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I have developed a comprehensive web application for Fiesta Events, which features two login options, allows for easy product addition, enables seamless invoice creation, provides daily profit tracking, allows for PDF creation and downloading, and facilitates customer management.
The web application I have developed for Fiesta Events goes beyond the basic functionalities. It includes a user-friendly dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of event-related activities, such as client and employee management. Users can easily add and list clients and employees, ensuring efficient communication and coordination.

Additionally, the application incorporates a powerful estimate calculation feature, enabling accurate pricing and budgeting for event services. The seamless invoice creation functionality simplifies the billing process, generating professional invoices for clients in no time.

To ensure smooth inventory management, the app offers a product and stock view, allowing users to add, edit, and monitor stock levels effortlessly. Daily profit and loss tracking provides valuable insights into the financial performance of each event, helping organizers make informed decisions.

The advanced filter option for payment and invoice data enables users to quickly access specific information, saving time and effort. Furthermore, the application enables customers to preview and download their invoices, enhancing their convenience and satisfaction.

With this all-inclusive web application, Fiesta Events can efficiently manage their operations, provide exceptional customer service, and optimize their profitability.